Gloria Star - Astrology & Beyond


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Welcome to my website. Here you can learn a bit about me and my work as an astrologer, author and teacher. Plus, you have an opportunity to learn about the ever-intriguing study of astrology and metaphysics.

We each have our own journey through this lifetime, and insights gleaned from astrology can provide a unique view of that pathway with its opportunities, challenges, twists, turns, peaks and valleys.

Starlight Messages

Each month, I write a "cosmic weather" forecast, emphasizing significant cycles influencing our daily lives. Cosmic events such as eclipses, planetary alignments, or unusual planetary patterns are featured.

Starlight Message from Gloria Star
The Sun Cycle in Taurus 2024

"White Dove Flying Straight and Fearlessly Through Troubled Waters"

We have certainly arrived at the gateway of unprecedented and amazing times. Finding our way through the troubled waters requires clarity, honesty and trust. The Sabian Symbols for the degrees of the zodiac have always provided helpful perspective, particularly during difficult times, and now we have arrived at one of those rare moments that provides a chance to open our capacity to see and step into a space that might just have the keys we need to navigate through the uncertainty that seems to color our vision.

Two new cycles take center stage: The sun moves into Taurus on April 19th at 10:00 AM EDT, initiating a month of focus, encouraging growth, consistency, an attention to our value systems. Natural beauty, artistry, and love serve as fuel for personal growth, and can provide an awakening. Alert! Watch out for the emergence of greedy actions and choices along with such influences that can distort or sabotage what may once have been truly compassionate. Invite those whose intentions are pure and heartfelt to share their hopes and talents. Make room for gifts others bring into your life, taking time to encourage their special gifts in the best possible ways. This can be a growth cycle, when sharing and giving can have a remarkable effect. Find ways to show gratitude. When you can, celebrate.

The other rare cycle shedding light on the path involves two planets moving into the same cosmic space the day after the Sun shifts into the territory of Taurus on April 20th. It awakens a kind of pioneering spirit that’s truly rare – it only happens every 17-20 years. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction influence will extend for about a month, but will be at its peak from April 19th-May 4th. This is the time to take bold steps, and to find those whose hearts open to values that have powerful meaning to you.

The Full Moon in Scorpio peaks on April 23rd (7:49 pm EDT), adding extra intensity to life on our small planet. During the days surrounding the Full Moon there’s likely to be more emotionality. This can be a positive time to turn inward or take a few days for a retreat or time to reflect on how you truly feel and what you need. Relationships may be under scrutiny now, too.  

The zodiac degree for the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is symbolized by the image mentioned at the beginning of this message. Look again at that Sabian degree: The white dove flies straight and fearlessly through troubled waters. Well, we have plenty of troubled water showing up in our lives these days The dove shows us that there is a way to rise above and take yourself into a perspective that allows you to see more clearly and continue above that fear and doubt. Set your vision. See your goal. Fly!

There’s a change in one of our very long-term cycles on the horizon, too. On May 2nd, Pluto enters Retrograde. Pluto has barely moved into Aquarius, and this particular retrograde will send it back into the last degree of Capricorn into mid-November 2024. This is a time when longstanding issues that have bubbled to the surface will once-again make themselves know. It is a chance to get to the core of something, and to finally determine the best path to deal with it. it. Or perhaps the best action is to create a workable alternative?

In case you wonder: Mercury does leave retrograde on April 25th, finally freeing up the capacity for us to make better decisions and have greater confidence in choices. Set goals for moving ahead on new project, and be ready to finalize agreements and plans during or after the New Moon on May 7th. The Taurus New Moon is one of the best times for business dealings, to begin a long-term project, or set out on a new path.

About a month ago two Eurasian Collared Doves arrived on our front porch one morning. It is time for them to make their way through our area, but we still considered their arrival to be special. They’ve obviously built a nest in the tall trees surrounding our little house, and so we see them throughout the day. (Yes, we do provide food and water!) Just looking at them provides a feeling of calm peace. Such gifts often arrive in our lives – for example, the recent eclipse experience shared by millions earlier this month. His was a wondrous day of sharing and soulful reflection for many. That’s the beauty of astrology. It is the language of the planets, the music of the spheres, the map of possibility readily available if you only look up! And sometimes the cycles provide at least a few hints of which direction to follow on your journey.

If you’re ready to schedule some time to explore these and other cycles in your life, please do get in touch and we’ll do just that. Healing is progressing, although I continue to maintain a lighter schedule. All consultations are accomplished via telephone.

May you and those you love experience true blessings along your path

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There's much more, too. Just click through the menu tabs, and hopefully, you'll find a little gem here and there.


Scam Notice

I have just received notice that there is a scam, on Facebook, about an investment scheme using my name and likeness, to encourage others to apply for a grant of some sort. This is not legitimate. I have nothing to do with this matter!

Gloria Star

Gloria regularly lectures and presents astrology workshops and seminars within the USA and abroad. She has also been a conference organizer for such endeavors as UAC
(The United Astrology Conference) – one of the largest astrological conferences on the planet.
Active in local, national and international astrology organizations for many years, she has served as an elected officer and board member for several such groups as well.



A PDF with Gloria's explanation of the kerfuffle about
changes to the zodiac!

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Personal Astrology Reports

These accurate and informative computer-generated astrological reports are based upon your unique natal chart. Reports can be printed in an easy-to-read format and mailed or may be emailed as a PDF.

Three reports, Optimum Child, Evolutionary Change and Just For Women are written by me.

Astrology Reports & Software

Contact Gloria


(360) 357-0265

Gloria Star
P.O Box 14481
Tumwater, WA 98511

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