Gloria Star - Astrology & Beyond


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Astrology & Child Guidance

The newly revised, edited and amended version of Gloria's landmark book, Optimum Child — is now available
as an E-Book.

Lecture and Workshops

An assortment of audio recordings of my lectures and workshops, including material for every level of astrological expertise

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Welcome to my website. Here you can learn a bit about me and my work as an astrologer, author and teacher. Plus, you have an opportunity to learn about the ever-intriguing study of astrology and metaphysics.

We each have our own journey through this lifetime, and insights gleaned from astrology can provide a unique view of that pathway with its opportunities, challenges, twists, turns, peaks and valleys.

Starlight Messages

Each month, I write a "cosmic weather" forecast, emphasizing significant cycles influencing our daily lives. Cosmic events such as eclipses, planetary alignments, or unusual planetary patterns are featured.

Starlight Message from Gloria Star
The Sun Cycle in Cancer 2024

Here we are … the Sun’s light shifts its focus to zodiac sign Cancer, marking the beginning of Summer! We have just experienced the Longest Day – the Summer Solstice -- and we now shift our focus to the intimate circle of family and home. During the growing season ahead, we may be challenged to identify who we are … and why. Defenses are likely to rise up as a means of protection, and potentially, showing the qualities that invite us to either join in or retreat behind the shield. The symbols for Cancer illustrate these principles quite effectively – the crab carries its shield whether its defense is necessary, and in today’s word, that may seem to be everywhere. Anticipate that emotions will run high during the time of Cancer.

Adding even greater significance, the Moon rules Cancer, weaving the themes of emotional attachment into our personal and not-so-personal relationships. First and foremost, though, is the capacity we have as individuals to come together and bring nurturance and support to the people (and issues) we hold dear.

Following the Solstice, the Capricorn Full Moon arrives on June 21st, intensifying the emotional nature of the changing tides in our lives. While this can be an excellent time to reach out share your feelings, differences of opinion and contrasts in loyalties can also draw emphasis to priorities. Expect to see the political scenes around the world filled with high-impact events. For example, because this period is the lead-up to Independence Day in the USA, plenty of pomp and circumstance is likely to be front and center.

Be aware that issues and attitudes can be especially intense during gatherings like family events or political rallies. Given the cycles this month, some events or changes may seem shocking due to the surprise elements connected to the influence of the outer planets.  

There are more planetary events during this time period you’ll want to keep in mind: Saturn Retrograde begins on June 29th (ending November 2nd). This is the time when infrastructure elements in our lives are undergoing revision, review and renovation. It’s no surprise that bridges and foundations need extra attention. While it can be a good time to make much-needed repairs, careful consideration of all aspects of such endeavors will make all the difference in their success. This cycle also brings emphasis to legal matters and government that may not be functioning in accordance with our social agreements that form the backbone of our society.

Another retrograde: Neptune Retrogrades starting July 2nd. Neptune’s energy operates on a collective level and shows us the elements in our lives that resonate on spiritual, creative and compassionate levels. This long-lasting cycle marks a period to review what we believe, and why. It can also be a time to explore what bring us together through our shared ideologies. Inner vision unites each of us to open our mind’s eye and see what is possible. Creative endeavors can thrive during this cycle, although there may be several setbacks before that “final draft,” or premier sees the light of day! It’s an excellent time to integrate time into your schedule for contemplation and meditation, so that you can keep the channel to your Higher Self clear.

New Moon in Cancer (Cazimi) on July 5th brings fresh energy that can mark a new direction for a project or idea, and signifies change of direction. Potentially, what was moving one way, shifts, and a fresh new option emerges. Anticipate a change in the winds of politics. Realignment of priorities exposes more pathways for your choice of direction as you steer your way through this period of testing and empowerment.

For the past few weeks, the planet Mars has been moving ever-closer to the planet Uranus. On July 15th, Mars and Uranus will conjunct in Taurus. This is one of those cycles signifying revolutionary shifts … unexpected change is the keyword concept at work. In some respects, this can be a time when change can happen without notice. You might even alter your way of thinking about your life choices, relationships, and priorities. It’s good to keep your life operating with as few encumbrances as possible, just to avoid being held back when you need to move ahead. You are still the director of your life, even though it might feel like your options are radically different.

As the Cancer sun cycle draws to a close, the Full Moon in Capricorn emerges on July 21st (6:17 AM EDT). With the Moon conjunct Pluto, opportunities for transformational change alters for true healing. Anticipate the need to dig deeper as you seek the most effective choices to become whole and release what you no longer need. Make way for fresh soil and welcome growing cycles that produce more fulfilling results.

I do hope this message finds you and those who share your life circle enjoying the gifts of the season as you open your heart to the power of love and gratitude. I have chosen to continue with a shorter version of Starlight Messages, to allow more time to devote to my work with clients. Needless to say, there are more cycles in play right now, and those mentioned here seem to have higher priority. That said, should you have a need to schedule time with me, please do contact me with your request for a consultation or questions. I am still working by phone for consultations, although we might be able to accomplish research and questions via email. Billing is determined by time spent in consultation or research.

Bright Blessings to you and yours!

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Special Notice for My Clients

While I shall continue to service established clients, I am not accepting NEW clients at this time.

However, I do have a waiting list for new clients. If you wish to be on this waiting list please email me with your contact info -

To learn more about my personal services available to you, click here.

You can also purchase mp3 recordings of some of my recent lectures and presentations, allowing you to join the class here.

To read my most recent newsletter, click here.

There's much more, too. Just click through the menu tabs, and hopefully, you'll find a little gem here and there.


Scam Notice

I have just received notice that there is a scam, on Facebook, about an investment scheme using my name and likeness, to encourage others to apply for a grant of some sort. This is not legitimate. I have nothing to do with this matter!

Gloria Star

Gloria regularly lectures and presents astrology workshops and seminars within the USA and abroad. She has also been a conference organizer for such endeavors as UAC
(The United Astrology Conference) – one of the largest astrological conferences on the planet.
Active in local, national and international astrology organizations for many years, she has served as an elected officer and board member for several such groups as well.



A PDF with Gloria's explanation of the kerfuffle about
changes to the zodiac!

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Personal Astrology Reports

These accurate and informative computer-generated astrological reports are based upon your unique natal chart. Reports can be printed in an easy-to-read format and mailed or may be emailed as a PDF.

Three reports, Optimum Child, Evolutionary Change and Just For Women are written by me.

Astrology Reports & Software

Contact Gloria


(360) 357-0265

Gloria Star
P.O Box 14481
Tumwater, WA 98511

star rule