Gloria Star MP3 Page

Lectures and Workshops

I am pleased to offer an assortment of audio recordings of my lectures and workshops presented over recent years. I've included material for every level of astrological expertise, so I hope you'll find something that will work for you. Offered in mp3 format, these are easy to download and save digitally in whatever medium you prefer. Whenever possible, I am also packaging handouts to accompany the lectures and workshops, since astrology is a visual experience! The handouts are all in PDF.

Fundamentals of Astrology

Astrology for Beginners

If you're new to the study of astrology, this suite of four lectures will provide a strong foundation piece for you. The most basic concepts in astrology are explained: elements & modes and the signs of the zodiac; the sun, moon & planets; the phases of the moon; and the aspects (the geometry of the chart). Once you've established an understanding of these fundamentals, you can build from there.

gsset001 - The Fundamentals - $49

EnergiesPlanetsMoon PhasesSacredGeometry

This special set of four unique lecture presentations is offered at a special price, when purchased as a unit. Each class covers concepts required if you are to have a working knowledge of the basics of astrology. These building blocks are significant parts of astrology's infrastructure.
Each class includes an audio presentation (mp3), accompanied by comprehensive illustrations provided in PDF. Keep in mind that additional support material is available free-of-charge as an E-Booklet, Astrology 101, which can be found here. Over 5 hours of the Fundamentals!
Includes gsal004, gsal012, gsal008, gsal011.

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For Students of all Levels - Lectures

For Students of All Levels:

For beginning or novice students, these presentations provide some of the basics necessary to understand astrology. Those of you who've been studying for a while might also find this material to be an enhancement of your astrological database. Also included in this section are several keynote addresses, designed to both inform and entertain.

gsal004 - Getting to Know the Zodiac - $15

EnergiesThe old pick-up line is actually a pretty good starting point. The costume closet of the zodiac is filled with loads of information about you, about others, and about life itself. Join Gloria on a fun-filled ride through the great theme park in the heavens: the twelve signs of the zodiac. (UAC, New Orleans, 2012) length 1:16:37

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gsal012 - Energies: Sun, Moon and Planets - $15

PlanetsOne of the basic building blocks in astrology is a clear understanding of the symbolic meanings of the Sun, Moon and Planets in the astrological chart. This class is an introduction to these concepts, and is a must-have for students of astrology. (UAC, Denver,2008) length 1:11:43
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gsal008 - What's Your Phase?
Moon Phases and the Natal Chart - $15

Moon PhasesMost everyone has heard about the New Moon or Full Moon, but we astrologers study eight phases of the moon. Each moon phase has specific meanings on spiritual, emotional, and personality levels - and even provides understanding about your relationships! This key building block is a crucial foundation piece for your understanding of astrology. (UAC, New Orleans, 2012) length 1:15:38
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gsal011 - Sacred Geometry: The Aspects in Astrology - $15

SacredGeometryExpand your fundamental understanding, and learn about the geometric connections in the astrological chart. This class is perfect for the novice student, but is also an excellent review for anyone desiring to better understand how the aspects work, clues to easily identifying them in the chart, and what these dynamics reveal about an individual's personality. (UAC, Denver, 2008) length 1:14:27
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gsal020 - Creativity: Dance with the Muse - $15

CreativityWork... work... work. The slow economic recovery has had a strong effect on our priorities. One thing that tends to go by the wayside when we're girding up the stabilizing infrastructures of our lives time to develop creativity. Let's look at the factors in the natal chart that show how to best unleash and express personal creativity, artistry, and talents. Who says play is not important? (Geared to all levels of astrology study) length 1:14:16
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For Students of all Levels - Keynote Addresses

Keynote Addresses

Keynote Addresses differ from more formal classes and workshops in that they are intended to both inform and entertain. Generally, the information can be easily understood by anyone. No handouts available.

gsal007 - Okay, Who's Not Talking About Pluto in Capricorn? -
(and can you trust them?) - $12

gsal018 - I Did it My Way - $12

Uranus in Ares This keynote address was presented at the NORWAC Conference May, 2011. ...So, Uranus is in Aries ... in and out of squares to Pluto for a while. And with Neptune in Pisces for the first time in 150 years, we're in new territory. What the heck does that mean for life on Spaceship Earth? Crash helmet at the ready, let's join the countdown! length 0:45:00
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gsal002 - Overcoming Ideological Barriers:
The Opportunity of Jupiter Square Uranus - $12

Jupiter Square UranusThis keynote address was presented for the Astrological Association of Great Britain, 2006. From the surprising decision by the astronomers to re-classify Pluto from a planet to icy dwarf, to economic and political shifts in society, this presentation centers upon the meaning of tension between the planets Jupiter and Uranus in the past and recent history. Handouts included. length 0:28:42
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gsal015 - Dreaming the Impossible Dream - $12

Dreaming the Impossible DreamThis keynote address was presented at the NORWAC Conference May, 2009. It’s time … time to send visions, hopes, ideals and dreams out to the Universe. So, what’s holding you back? And how do you know if what you want is what you need? When Jupiter conjuncts Neptune, there’s true promise. The rest is up to you! length 0:45:13
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Chart Interpretation

Chart Interpretation

These classes present opportunities to integrate the different elements of the natal astrological chart. Many astrological charts are analyzed, and a variety of approaches to understanding outstanding themes, issues, and qualities in the natal chart are introduced and illustrated.

gsal020 - Creativity: Dance with the Muse - $15

CreativityWork ... work ... work. The slow economic recovery has had a strong effect on our priorities. One thing that tends to go by the wayside when we're girding up the stabilizing infrastructures of our lives time to develop creativity. Let's look at the factors in the natal chart that show how to best unleash and express personal creativity, artistry, and talents. Who says play is not important? (Geared to all levels of astrology study) length 1:14:16
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gsal016 - Working with Sabian Symbols - $15

Sabian SymbolsThe rich images that connect to the 360 degrees of the zodiac can bring fascinating and remarkable insights. In this lecture, Gloria will illustrate many uses of the Sabian symbols – from methods that help us understand the big picture in terms of collective consciousness to applications in your own personal life experience. From a unique approach to the natal chart, uses in location-centered astrology (e.g. AstroCartoGraphy), relationship-focused astrology and astrology of history – be prepared for wonderful surprises! (NORWAC, Seattle, 2009) length 1:17:01
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Understanding Relationships

Understanding Relationships

Astrology presents a unique opportunity to look into our personal relationships. Not only do we learn more about ourselves through relationships, but we also expand and grow. These classes are focused upon several techniques and approaches to understanding relationships through astrology.

gsal005 - Love and Other Fairy Tales - $15

Love and Other Fairy TalesWhy is it that some people seem to be in relationships that are doomed, while others simply open the door and Love walks in? As astrologers, we can easily explore the Post Mortem of Love, but wouldn't it be nice if we could find a formula that could treat the patient while she or he is still alive? This is way beyond "Relationships 101" (NORWAC, Seattle, 2007) length 1:16:34
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gsal019 - Love as We Know It - $15

Love as We Know ItNow that Saturn is fully vested in Libra's territory, we have an opportunity to take a clear look at relationships, personal commitment and all facets of love. As astrologers, we can determine an all-important thing: is it time for love? We'll look at the natal chart to find clues to personal preferences, but more important, we'll see which cycles are implicated in relationships. Is it love, lust, karma ... or just a passing fancy? (NORWAC, Seattle, 2011 length 1:13:23
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gsal009 - The Pulse of Love: Cycles and Relationships - $15

Pulse of LoveRelationships go through cycles, too! Using a variety of techniques — including composite, Davison charts, affinity and synastry, combined with cycles — we will pinpoint significant cycles that define the critical points in a relationship. Gloria will use plenty of chart examples, and, of course, will invite your discussion in this process. (NORWAC, Seattle, 2008) 1:14:22
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Cycles and Forecasting Techniques

Cycles and Forecasting techniques

One of the most exciting things about astrology is that this is absolutely an amazing timing tool! In these classes, we look at a variety of techniques for understanding timing. Additionally, Gloria also explores the astrological signatures that help define the collective experiences that affect us all. Ranging from an exploration of historic events and how they are related to different times in our current lives, to projecting into how some cycles might show themselves in the future, these classes draw upon a number of particular topics. Specific lectures focus on particular tools, as noted in the description.

gsal014 - The Nine Most Important Cycles of Your Life - $15

Nine Most Important CyclesMilestone cycles are discussed, along with a focus upon the elements in the natal chart that provide clues for the types of cycles that are likely to be significant trigger points in an individual's life. We look at transits, progressions, solar arc directions, planetary patterns, and significant cosmic events. (ISAR, Chicago, 2009) length 1:17:09
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gsal017 - Darkness & Light: Understanding Eclipses - $17

Understanding EclipsesAn eclipse of the Sun or Moon has always drawn attention. While the mystery and suspicion surrounding eclipses has subsided, the meaning is still somewhat elusive. Join Gloria to explore the nature of the eclipses – learn about Saros Cycles, the significance of the Prenatal Eclipse, Nodal Returns, and more. Find out how and when eclipses are more relevant to your own life, and when the eclipses are more like watching a movie. Hopefully, illumination will follow! (ASC, Hartford, 2011) length 1:55:34
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gsal010 - Who Authorized These Changes? -
Saturn and Uranus Standoff - $15

Saturn and Uranus StandoffFrom the Fall 2008 until late Summer 2010, Saturn and Uranus traveled in and out of an opposition. It's one of those "Big" cycles that will have a definite impact on what's happening in the world at large, and it packs a real punch where it hits your chart. Join Gloria and explore the history of this dynamic duo in just such an aspect, and will also look into its implications from politics to your pocketbook. (NORWAC, Seattle, 2008) length 1:15:57
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gsal006 - Deciphering Predictive Techniques - $15

Deciphering Predictive TechniquesWe have many techniques in astrology that provide excellent information about the cycles that can impact the life of an individual. But which ones to use? And when? This class covers information about transits, progressions, directions, returns, directions, and other cycles — with an emphasis on defining the differences and determining what might work best in particular circumstances. But before you go there, are you really ready to look at cycles yet? (This could be a novice level lecture — more like an introduction to forecasting.) (NORWAC, Seattle 2007) length 1:15:11
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gsal001 - Provocation of Fear:
Embattled Jupiter, Saturn & Neptune - $15

Provocation of FearThe ramifications of the high-tension of the planetary patterns involving Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are explored. Ranging from a historic perspective, to current events, and then an exploration of what this can mean for us as individuals, this lecture brings further understanding to what astrology illuminates about The Big Picture. (Presentation for the Astrological Association of Great Britain, 2006) length 0:58:54
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gsal003 - Signatures of Our Times: Understanding the Big Picture - $15

Signatures of Our TimesAs astrologers, we have an exceptional guidepost that lends itself to a special perspective on collective change and evolution. We look at big cycles like Jupiter square Uranus and Saturn oppose Neptune. And add a look at an eclipse with a Grand Cross – what do these patterns tell us? We’ll look at the end of the first decade of the 21st Century, future trends, and keep a clear eye on what history has shown. From the mundane to the personal – let’s explore the story! (NCGR, Baltimore, 2007) length 1:07:00
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gsal009 - The Pulse of Love: Cycles and Relationships - $15

The Pulse of LoveRelationships go through cycles, too! Using a variety of techniques — including composite, Davison charts, affinity and synastry, combined with cycles — we will pinpoint significant cycles that define the critical points in a relationship. Gloria will use plenty of chart examples, and, of course, will invite your discussion in this process. (NORWAC, Seattle, 2008) length 1:14:22
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Specialized Interests

Specialized Interests

Applications of astrology are as varied as the experiences of life itself. There are particular techniques and subjects that are areas of specialized study. These lectures involve such areas of special interest.

gsal016 - Working with Sabian Symbols - $15

Sabian SymbolsThe rich images that connect to the 360 degrees of the zodiac can bring fascinating and remarkable insights. In this lecture, Gloria will illustrate many uses of the Sabian symbols – from methods that help us understand the big picture in terms of collective consciousness to applications in your own personal life experience. From a unique approach to the natal chart, uses in location-centered astrology (e.g. AstroCartoGraphy), relationship-focused astrology and astrology of history – be prepared for wonderful surprises! (NORWAC, Seattle, 2009) length 1:17:01
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Workshops and Extended Lectures

Workshops and Extended Lectures

Going beyond the limited time format of a lecture presentation, Workshops and Extended Lectures allow us to delve more deeply into a subject. These classes are at least two hours in length, and include more extensive examples and reference materials.

gsal017 - Darkness & Light: Understanding Eclipses - $17

Darkness and LightAn eclipse of the Sun or Moon has always drawn attention. While the mystery and suspicion surrounding eclipses has subsided, the meaning is still somewhat elusive. Join Gloria to explore the nature of the eclipses – learn about Saros Cycles, the significance of the Prenatal Eclipse, Nodal Returns, and more. Find out how and when eclipses are more relevant to your own life, and when the eclipses are more like watching a movie. Hopefully, illumination will follow! (ASC, Hartford, 2011) length 1:55:34
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gsaw001 - The Astrologer as Time Traveler - $24

Time TravelerAstrology is about conceptualizing the essence of spirit moving through time and space. As astrologers, we have a unique set of tools allowing us to move deeper into an understanding of the present, backward to recapture the fundamental nature of the past, and forward into the possibilities and probabilities of the future. Join Gloria Star on a unique journey, using some of her favorite astrological techniques to identify, expand and qualify a trip through time as expressed through the natal chart and an in-depth exploration and projection into the future. A workshop with Gloria Star (ISAR 2009) length 3:17:02
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